Winds of Freedom Creator Alex Ayzin
Radio Show Interview Podcasts in Playlist FormAlex Ayzin, founder of the Winds of Freedom and creator of the Winds of Freedom Symphony and Multimedia Presentations, was interviewed on James Lowe’s syndicated Jiggy Jaguar Radio Show talking about growing up in the Soviet Union as third-generation naval officer, his escape and defection with his family from behind the Iron Curtain in 1979 and the Challenger and Chernobyl tragedies that led directly to creation of Winds of Freedom and a mission to promote peace and harmony among nations and people.
Winds of Freedom is dedicated to achieving world peace, including the presentation of a spectacular multi-media concert event celebrating man’s struggle for peace and freedom over the last hundred years, with riveting images of the human quest against oppression set against a backdrop of music from one of Russia’s finest composers, Emilian Sichkin.
The WOF program is a dazzling symphony of music set against breathtaking historical footage of the defining moments of our century, and words from world leaders and celebrities of our times, together in a magnificent multi-media presentation dedicated to peace among all nations and peoples. It is a synthesis of music, vision, performance, and humanity celebrating the spirit of hope, courage and cultural harmony.
Alex Ayzin has brought together a combination of efforts from a diverse group of international talents to communicate the shared goals of peace and freedom. Emilian Sichkin’s brilliant eight-part symphony allows for numerous multi-media versions to be created depending on the news of the day.